After re-watching the Packers game, here are three plays that made me go hmmm, for various reasons.
Screen Killer
I don’t think there is a better defensive lineman in the NFL at sniffing out screens than Kenny Clark. A big reason are his eyes. He always has his head up examining what’s going on in front of him, even while fighting off a double-team as he is here. And who in teh world double-teams a nose tackle when you’re running a screen? That tells you the respect Clark has earned in this department. Nice job by Stokes here also, with nothing really to do over on his side, he reacts well when he sees the screen and ends up making the tackle. And finally, also a nice job by Barnes, who avoids two blocks and is there to help Stokes on the tackle. But Kenny Clark…
All Together Now
I loved this so much. It’s not something you see much in today’s NFL, but wasn’t this reminiscent of the Lombardi Sweep days? Of course, you can’t really equate the two as there are no pulling guards here, it’s just the entire line running a hard outside zone, with the help of Marcedes Lewis, EQ and MVS. But still, I had a flashback or two as I watched this over and over.
Clear the Area Please
Memo to the Packers offensive line – please don’t get in AJ Dillon’s way. Here, Dillon lowers his shoulder and bowls over Jon Runyan, who is blocking Dillon’s intended path. Once Runyan is disposed of, Dillon plows forward with a few Vikings in tow for another 3-4 yards. Talk about Beast Mode!
“Jersey Al” Bracco is the Editor-In-Chief, part owner and wearer of many hats for and He is also a recovering Mason Crosby truther. Follow Al on twitter at @JerseyalGBP.