If I told you anything else, you could see right through my lying eyes, so first off – some full disclosure: I paid verly little attention to this game (which is highly unusual for me, but it happened). I had the game on and was watching/listening with one eye/ear while I listened to the CHTV Watch Party with one headphone in the other ear. That in itself, is not unusual – it’s actually my normal routine. But I was so ambivalent about watching the game, I couldn’t pull myself away from a 750-clue crosswird puzzle I was deep into. Then work got crazy on Monday and Tuesday, not allowing me to goof off and re-watch the game (or do my ususal “3 things…” post). So I can’t say I actually saw EVERY play, and hence, I’m not sure where my polluted mind is going to go as I start writing this. Regardless, let’s get started.
10 letter word for “unconvential ones.” First and fourth letter is an e.
The Plan – So, things didn’t exactly meet coach LaFleur’s utopian expectations of how things would go on Sunday, as you can tell from the tone of his post-game interview. There were some good moments in this game, but plenty of worrisome ones. As much as we want to keep repeating, “it didn’t matter,” there were some things put on tape that have other coaches scratching their chins and saying, “Hmmm.”
Trickeration – As a big fan of trick plays, this could have been my Super Bowl. Unfortunately, it was the Lions making the Packers look absolutely foolish, so I refuse to let myself enjoy it.
9 letter word for “putting out on an anniversary, maybe.” First letter r, fourth letter s.
He’s Bakh – I did make sure to pay attention to Bakhtiari when he was in there, and he looked just fine. If you don’t believe me, check out this video Larry McCarren did: https://www.packers.com/video/rock-report-what-rust
So did Jordan Love play? I haven’t heard anything about him…
9 letter word for “comprehenice collections of related information.” First letter d, third letter t.
Sit down Royce – Well, as I think most here expected, with Josh Myers back at center, it wasn’t Lucas Patrick that got sent to the bench. He just took a few steps over to the right and Royce Newman took the walk to the sideline. Patrick has to be one of the most valuable low-budget depth signings in recent Packers history.
FInding those missing puzzle pieces – Bakh and Myers are back. Z and Turner to practice this week, we’re just waiting on Jaire. Oh, and let’s not forget the most important of all, future Packers HOF’er David Moore, who is off the Covid list.
A mere 12 iinches to paydirt – Some things never change – even in meaningless games.
2nd and 3rd and a foot = obvious passing downs. #Packers
— Jersey Al – GBP (@JerseyAlGBP) January 9, 2022
“Jersey Al” Bracco is the Editor-In-Chief, part owner and wearer of many hats for CheeseheadTV.com and PackersTalk.com. He is also a recovering Mason Crosby truther. Follow Al on twitter at @JerseyalGBP.